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EVOLVING is my first short story written directly in English and published in a professional way. I am gratefull to Nancy Kilpatrick who gave me the chance to be published in Evolve, a Canadian vampire anthology she directed.
EVOLVING is not perfectly English but I hope readers forgive my awkwardness.
The official book launch happened at the World Horror Convention, in Brighton, England. That was not my first time in England, but my first time reading in public and book signing in that wonderful country close to my heart.
Picture: Claude Lalumière | Drinking tea the English way at Tea Cosy, Brighton. | Picture: Hugues Leblanc |
Nice review
'Perfectly in keeping with the theme of the anthology Natasha Beaulieu contributes "Evolving," a delightful piece (...) a bit different from the standard cliché.'
(Mario Guslandi, in SF Site, Italy)
Other Reading On March 30th 2011, I’ve read a part of EVOLVING at Blue Sunshine, in Montreal.
French version ÉVOLUTION, the french translation was published in Solaris 182, Spring 2012. |
Picture: Nancy Kilpatrick |